Thursday, October 5, 2017

How to make Homemade Curry Mutton

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Curry made dishes taste better than ordinary ones. They leave your taste buds asking for more and the spices added to them are nutritious. To make it easier to make such dishes, we present a few principles that you need to consider before making your curries. We also give you a simple recipe on how to make a homemade curry sauce and finally we present our homemade curry chicken recipe.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Stewed Goat Meat and Asparagus topped with Cheese

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I've never bought asparagus before this venture, it's one of those vegetables that I only eat when we eat out, or at a friend's but never thought to prepare myself. Somehow, I think about it in connection with those who are starving themselves in the name of losing weight, or just something out of my network.

Well, last week, our grocery store had huge signs all over them, it was an asparagus sale! LOL... So I got one bunch and looked up ways to cook it online.

Actually, asparagus is a very healthy vegetable, and good for those of us trying to keep the love handles at bay. It is low calorie, and a good source of folate and potassium for women, and very high in antioxidants. Well, it was one of my no-carb dinner nights and so I brough out my goat meat and a tomato stew I had made earlier and set to work.